The Influence of Tobacco Blend Composition on Carbon Monoxide Formation in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke
AC tobacco, CO, expanded stem, FC tobacco, gas phase of tobacco smoke, recon (RT), SC tobaccoAbstract
The aim of this study was to examine the impact of three main tobacco types (flue-cured FC, air-cured AC and sun-cured SC) and two tobacco-based materials (reconstituted tobacco - recon RT and expanded stem) on the formation of carbon monoxide (CO) in the gas phase of mainstream cigarette smoke. The results showed that the type of tobacco examined had a significant impact on the amount of carbon monoxide production in the gas phase of cigarette smoke. AC and SC tobaccos had the most evident impact. The amount of tobacco in mixtures M1, M2 and M3 as well as the addition of expanded stems had an impact on the amount of CO formed in the cigarette smoke. There is weak correlation between CO content in the smoke and the chemical composition of the tobacco. Draw resistance had an impact on CO production. The research results are of great importance, since tobacco selection is the first step in the production of cigarettes with reduced emission of harmful elements contained in the smoke.Downloads
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How to Cite
The Influence of Tobacco Blend Composition on Carbon Monoxide Formation in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];64(1). Available from: